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Important Things that You Should Know About Functional Medicine

If you are not so familiar with it, functional medicine is actually referred to as integrative, holistic, complementary or at times, naturopathic medicine. Irrespective of the name, know that functional medicine is one approach which actually focuses on identifying as well as addressing the root cause of the disease using a specialized testing that would go a lot deeper than what is conventional medicine based on pharmaceuticals.

You should also know that the functional medicine would take a look at the entire person and also asks the question why such is taking place in the body. It doesn’t simply look at one or two symptoms and just try to match a drug to them. Treating those symptoms with the use of synthetic and also toxic drugs will often just mask the symptoms and also make more complications.

With functional medicine, this is focused on treating the cause and not just the symptoms. Can you actually imagine the results of treating those complex multilayered chronic conditions such as chronic fatigue, autoimmune disorders, chronic inflammation, ADD, Autism, ADHD, severe food allergies and others, with just one or a couple of synthetic drugs?

Well, it would be great if you are aware of the principles of functional medicine. One is that this actually recognizes that people are biochemically and genetically different. This kind of medicine is also science-based. This also acknowledges in a practical manner that the body is actually a self-healing mechanism. This is also able to see the big picture through connecting those dots between the different symptoms, signs, lab tests, the x-rays and a lot more.

Functional medicine also knows that removing the obstacles and also detoxifying and giving the missing nutrients would permit the body to heal the disease and also help in slowing down the aging process. Also, this medicine freely uses botanicals, nutritional compounds, homeopathy, phytotherapy, chiropractic, sleep aids, adjustments to diet as well as stress reduction techniques for the improvement of physiological function.

Such holistic doctor has so many therapeutic modalities in order to achieve the most excellent results. It is certainly the goal of functional medicine to only not be free of disease. It is its goal to restore your optimum energy levels and vitality and not just to cover the symptoms with surgery and drugs.

You should know that functional medicine approach in diagnosing with the blood chemistry testing which is one of the differentiating features between the functional and the conventional medicine and this is highlighted in such approach to the blood chemistry analysis. Also, the blood chemistries are being examined by the functional medicine doctors from the functional as well as pathological perspective.

Moreover, those functional medicine doctors really know that such reference ranges would depend on by nearly all the medical doctors are according to the bell curved analysis of the individuals who used such lab over a particular time period, so many of them were not really ill. Because of this, there are more individuals who are being told that they are fine when they have an illness of some kind.

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