Practical and Helpful Tips:

Things to Know About Respect and Courtesy

There are several kinds of respect. You may respect a person for so many reasons and this could be considered admiration or esteem. The butcher may also have respect for their knives and the mountain climber for their elements. Take for example having respect for a person’s rights or that of the judge or court. Such may be referred to as deference but it is also another kind of respect.

It is not normal to find such well-educated person not showing courtesy in his actions or in the manner of how he speaks just because of the reason that it isn’t necessary. Many people do fail to realize that being courteous is able to speak so much about themselves. Courtesy actually means being polite and also being able to treat others with such equal respect as you would actually treat yourself. But, where has courtesy gone now?

Respect, courtesy and manners go together. When you are being courteous, you show respect and you are putting that good manner in practice. Being considerate and also good manners would bring out such feeling of worth that being courteous actually entails. The problem with such common courtesy is that this is readily forgotten by many individuals. For this reason, a bit of effort is necessary to be courteous. As a matter of fact, it just takes little effort as well as energy to be courteous as compared to being brusque. Every person would like to be acknowledged and also appreciated. IN order to achieve this, then you should be courteous to others if you want the same treatment for yourself. Even in such situations where you actually have authority over some individuals, you must tell them what to do and you should not exert that negative authority on them.

It is quite unfortunate though that there are so many people who feel that respect is a right. Well, it is not since it is something that is actually earned. This is intangible but also really real. Before you are able to show respect for the others, you should first have respect for yourself. On the other hand, for the others to show you respect, you must be able to show them respect too.

There many of those that you take for granted in your daily life and this would include the people around you. Well, that one strong ingredient of respect is common courtesy. Know that being courteous to others isn’t just respecting others but this also reflects who you are as a person. What such means is putting yourself in the shoes of the other persons rather than thinking of yourself first.

This would remind you of the ME generation of the 80’s in which people are quite concerned of themselves. Well, it is high time for people to relearn respect. It doesn’t actually mean to just always put yourself in the backseat. You should take care of yourself but not at the expense of the others.

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